ISSN : 2663-2187


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» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.10.2024.6203-6223


The research deals with the war-renunciation pact and national policy, the Kellogg-Briand Pact, which was a reflection of American policy towards the world and Europe in general and France in particular, because France had always hoped to establish relations with the United States, which prevented the realization of that desire, including concluding an agreement. A bilateral relationship between the two parties to reject war and national politics in the 1920s, as these relations did not proceed at the same pace, as they witnessed stages of cessation as a result of the political and economic conditions between the two countries as a result of the effects of World War I, which affected all countries of the world, as the United States began to control the policy of rejection. The war was achieved by concluding a multilateral and open treaty to include all countries of the world, and this goal was achieved through the Kellogg-Briand Pact, which sacrificed many countries of the world, including France and the United States. Since the Charter was exposed from the beginning of its contract to a series of difficult challenges, including international crises between the member states of the Charter, the impact of the Charter’s decisions on these crises, and the impact of the Charter’s provisions on the development of the law of war after World War II.

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