ISSN : 2663-2187

Knowledge and Awareness of Interrelationship of Periodontal Diseases and Systemic Health

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Dr. Ayushi Kansara, Dr. Sakshi Mehta, Dr. Shalini Gupta, Dr. Deesha Chhaya, Dr. Hinal Patel, Dr. Bhakti Shah
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.9.2024.2044-2054


Ensuring overall systemic well-being is crucial, and it hinges on maintaining proper oral health. Various systemic diseases and conditions can affect the periodontium, or conversely, poor periodontal health can impact the overall health of an individual. Despite the known link between oral diseases and numerous non-oral systemic conditions such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, respiratory tract infections, and adverse pregnancy outcomes, this connection often goes overlooked. Aim: This study aimed to assess the knowledge and awareness regarding the interplay between periodontal disease and systemic health among the general population. Material & Methods: A total of 552 individuals participated in the survey. Data collection involved distributing a questionnaire consisting of 15 questions pertaining to general awareness about periodontitis and its implications on systemic health. Participants were asked to select from options of yes, no, or don't know. Awareness levels were analyzed based on age and gender categories. Results: The findings revealed heightened awareness among females and individuals aged between 35 to 50, based on their gender and age group respectively. Conclusion: From this study we can conclude that 42.90% peoplewere aware that good oral health can lead to improvement in the overall health of an individual and we can also conclude that people were least aware about the relationship of periodontal diseases with heart diseases compared to various other systemic diseases. The connection between oral health and overall systemic well-being is frequently disregarded despite its significant influence. Oral health plays a crucial role in maintaining the overall health of individuals. More extensive research on large population is necessary, along with increasing public awareness through organized campaigns about periodontal diseases and their effects on systemic health.

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