ISSN : 2663-2187

Lactic acid bacteria probiotic strains: a review on evaluation criteria and riboflavin production abilities

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Henri Sidabéwindin Ouédraogo, Boukaré Kaboré, OumarouZongo, GamaméAbasse Ouédraogo, Prudence Dounia, Hama Cissé, Mousta pha Drabo, Sèmassa Mohamed Ismaël Hoteyi, Aly Savadogo
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.12.2024.2301-2315


LABs are powerful fermentation agents and the most used probiotic species in the food processing and health field. Probiotics are live microorganisms whose consumption in adequate quantities improves host health . During food fermentation by LABs, several metabolites are synthesized, among which the water soluble vitamins essential for the proper functioning of the human organism are of p articular interest to researchers. Riboflavin is one of these vitamins whose participation in the proper functioning of the body is observed through its involvement in various processes. Riboflavin is involved in energy reactions and nucleic acid synthesis in humans. Double interest is therefore attached to probiotic LABs producing riboflavin. These microorganisms are used in food biofortification without harmful consequences on the one hand; on the other hand, they improve consumerhealth. Particular attention is therefore paid to the choice of the probiotic LAB producing riboflavin. The aim of this study was to explore methods of evaluating the probiotic and riboflavin production abilities of lactic acid.Several approaches, including phenotypic and molecula r methods, are used to evaluate the suitability of LABs to meet probiotics criteria and their ability to synthesize riboflavin. It also emerged that probiotic LABs are used in various food matrices to biofortify them with riboflavin. This ability to synthe size riboflavin has led to its use in the agri food industry and healthcare to prevent and treat certain pathologies.

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