ISSN : 2663-2187


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Rahul Sahu, Shivangi Tripathi
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.Si2.2024.1203-1213


The scope of cyber terrorism is complex and continuously evolving in a manner that requires deep understanding and effective legal responses. This introductory overview organizes the discussion on the domain of cyber terrorism by structuring it into major facets. Starting with the definition and characteristics of cyber terrorism, the analysis expands into threats, motives for cyber terrorists, and ways they execute their acts. Moreover, it discusses relevant legal developments that are established to combat cyber terrorism, such as international conventions, national laws and regulations, and cyber law’s approaches to future threats. The issue of jurisdiction stands out as a significant issue of concern. It presents difficulties in the definition of cyberspace jurisdiction, extraterritoriality issues, and coordination between different jurisdictions. The problems of attribution complicated matters, as identifying cyber attackers and attributing their actions remains complex and with significant legal implications. Privacy, civil liberties considerations are also significant given the need to maintain national security while ensuring individual citizens privacy rights. The report also delves into the role of law enforcement and intelligence agencies in addressing cyber terrorism focusing on their investigatory powers, cooperation, and challenges in collecting digital evidence. Related to this issue is the regulatory frameworks that authorities have in place for cyber security and compliance. It covers necessary standards and best practices designed to help both the public and private sectors maintain maximum security for the critical infrastructure while being compliant with legal provisions. The insights from precedent cyber terrorism cases will provide knowledge on best practices and lessons learned. I will also discuss the emerging trends and accompany legal responses.

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