ISSN : 2663-2187

"Leveraging Big Data Analytics for Enhanced Healthcare: Integration and Impact in the Healthcare Industry"

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1 Mrs. Pallavi Dhanraj Patil,2Mrs. Amruta Pradip Chougule, 3Dr. Amit Jaykumar Chinchawade
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 8646-8652


Big data analytics has emerged as a transformative force in the healthcare industry, offering the potential to revolutionize patient care, medical research, and healthcare management. The integration of diverse and vast healthcare data sources, such as electronic health records, medical imaging, genomics, wearables, and patient-generated data, enables the extraction of valuable insights and facilitates evidence-based decision-making.This abstract highlights the advantages and challenges of big data in healthcare. The advantages include improved patient outcomes through personalized medicine, early disease detection, and population health management. Big data analytics also contributes to drug discovery, real-time monitoring, and data-driven decision-making, leading to optimized healthcare processes and reduced costs.However, the implementation of big data in healthcare is not without challenges. Data privacy and security concerns, data quality and interoperability issues, and the need for robust technological infrastructure pose significant obstacles. Moreover, addressing ethical considerations while leveraging patient data for research and treatment is critical.To harness the full potential of big data in healthcare, stakeholders must invest in data governance, adhere to regulatory standards, and collaborate to build a skilled workforce in data analytics. Advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning hold promise in further enhancing big data capabilities, paving the way for personalized treatments and improved public health.Big data in healthcare presents a transformative journey with profound potential to enhance patient care, advance medical research, and optimize healthcare delivery. Addressing challenges while maximizing the advantages of big data analytics will enable a data-driven healthcare ecosystem that delivers improved patient outcomes and contributes to the well-being of societies worldwide.

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