ISSN : 2663-2187

Microbial Ecology of Animal Guts Investigating the Diversity, Function, and Impact of Gut Microbiota on Host Health and Ecological Interactions

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Mrs. Jisha Annie, Dr. Mrs. S. A. Surale-Patil, Dr. Koparde A. A
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.Si2.2024.2531-2539


In order for animals to be healthy, develop, and interact with their environment, their gut microbiome is essential. This work explores the variety, role, and overall effects of gut microbiota on their hosts by delving into the microbial ecology of animal guts. Utilising cutting-edge sequencing methods and bioinformatics techniques, we describe the composition and dynamic behaviour of the microbial communities found in several animal species. The study emphasises the symbiotic connections that exist between gut bacteria and their hosts, demonstrating the roles that these microbes play in immune system regulation, food absorption, and disease resistance. Additionally, the study looks at how the host's nutrition, evolutionary background, and environment alter the gut microbiota and affect fitness and health. The subject of study are the ecological relationships between host animals and the microbiota in their guts, highlighting the significance of bacteria for adaptation and survival in particular ecological niches. The importance of gut microbiota in preserving host health and their possible consequences in ecological and evolutionary contexts are highlighted by this thorough investigation. Comprehending the intricacy of these microbial ecosystems provides opportunities for inventive medicinal approaches and conservation endeavours that strive to maintain ecological stability and biodiversity

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