ISSN : 2663-2187

Microbial Genomics: Unraveling the Genetic Basis of Microbial Diversity

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Mrs. Ashvini V. Jadhav, Dr. Abhay Ghatage, Ms. Aishwarya D.Jagtap
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si2.2024.3815-3834


Microbial genomics has revolutionized our understanding of the genetic basis of microbial diversity, offering detailed insights into the genetic composition, functional potential, and evolutionary relationships of microorganisms. Advances in genomic technologies, including whole-genome sequencing, metagenomics, and comparative genomics, have enabled researchers to decode the genetic information of diverse microorganisms with unprecedented precision. These discoveries have profound implications for various fields such as medicine, agriculture, and environmental science. This review explores the applications of these technologies in unraveling the complexity of microbial communities and highlights the challenges and future directions in microbial genomics research. We discuss how whole-genome sequencing has facilitated the identification of novel pathogens and antibiotic resistance mechanisms, how metagenomics has uncovered the vast diversity of microbial communities, and how comparative genomics has provided insights into microbial evolution and functional potential. Understanding the genetic basis of microbial diversity is crucial for developing novel therapeutic strategies, improving agricultural practices, and enhancing environmental sustainability.

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