ISSN : 2663-2187

Modeling the synthesis and kinetics of Ferrous Sulfate production: Towards Sustainable Manufacturing Processes

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Sanjeev Kumar, Suraj Mandal, Neha Priya, Farah Deeba, Vinay Hiralal Singh, Gajanan Chandrakant Upadhye, Anupama Rawat, Mamatha Devi A.B, Rohit Tomer
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.9.2024.2444-2458


This Research provides a thorough summary of modeling attempts to comprehend the chemistry and kinetics of ferrous sulfate production, with an emphasis on developing sustainable manufacturing techniques. One efficient way to clean wastewater containing dyes is through chemical oxidation. The most potent and environmentally benign oxidant for aqueous media is ferrate. The goal of this work is to use ferrate, which is made from the ferrous ion of FeSO4.7H2O via a wet chemical process, to breakdown Remazol Black B colors. This study analyzes the adequacy of ferrate to permanganate, peroxide, and dichromate in debasing Remazol Black B colors. It additionally looks at the best debasement conditions, like pH, molar proportion, and ideal time, as well as the kinetics of corruption. Emazol black B can be productively oxidized by ferrate at an optimal pH of 8, a molar proportion of ferrates to colors of 5:1, an optimal corruption term of 120 minutes, and a debasement level of up to 95%, as per the outcomes. The reason for this work is to reveal insight into the principal components that control the combination and kinetics of ferrous sulfate to work on the productivity and maintainability of modern activities in the compound assembling industry

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