ISSN : 2663-2187

Molecular Farming: Biotechnological Approaches for Producing High-Value Plant-derived Pharmaceuticals

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Dr.R.Roghini, Dr. Amit Kumar Dutta, Dr Ram Babu, Dr.Devidas Narhar Patil, Dr. A. Nirmala
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.9.2024.2349-2379


Molecular farming is a biotechnological method that involves using genetically modified plants to produce valuable medications. It has gained recognition as a revolutionary technique in the field. This novel approach utilizes the biosynthetic capacities of plants to generate intricate biomolecules, providing a scalable and cost-efficient substitute for conventional pharmaceutical manufacturing. This study article explores the several biotechnology methods used in molecular farming, focusing on the progress, difficulties, and future potential of this area.

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