ISSN : 2663-2187

Mucormycosis: Allegory of a Neo Plague

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Roopa Prasad*, C M Reena Josephine, Sara Maria Shaji, Anirudh K, Stella D
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 10270-10289


The commonly known black fungus also referred to as mucormycosis, though rare but is a potentially dangerous fungal infection.The infection affects the sinuses and further affecting other parts of the body. As a primary co-infection with COVID-19, mucormycosis primarily affects immunocompromised persons. The most typical kind of mucormycosis observed in people with compromised immunity is Rhino-Orbital-Cerebral Mucormycosis (ROCM) is discussed in this review article. The asexual spores enter the respiratory tract and spread the infection. Although this fungal infection is difficult to diagnose, it can be treated if diagnosed in the early stages of infection. With initial diagnosis of mucormycosis infection, the physicians advise for relevant imaging and surgical intervention. The first-line of treatment for mucormycosis symptoms includes high doses of liposomal amphotericin-B, posaconazole, and in combination that can be used in salvage therapy, and adjunctive therapy, for better effectiveness. Surgical treatment increases the survival rate; nutraceutical-based therapy is an effective therapy in the early stages of infection. Due to its severity and expensive treatment this infection is one of the major concerns amongst patients.

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