ISSN : 2663-2187

Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy: Current Concepts and Practices

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Dr. Omkar Somade, Dr. Sandeep Shinde, Dr. Shraddha Mohite
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si3.2024.1664-1688


Physiotherapy with an emphasis on the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of musculoskeletal problems is known as musculoskeletal physiotherapy. The purpose of this study is to examine current theories and methods in musculoskeletal physical therapy, with a focus on evidence-based methods and recent developments. The scope covers theoretical underpinnings, a historical perspective on the field's development, and in-depth studies of a range of therapeutic methods, including exercise therapy, manual therapy, electrotherapy, and aquatic therapy. Additionally looked at are advances in telehealth and technology, patient-centered treatment, and multidisciplinary methods. The review also discusses long-term maintenance plans, outcome measurement, and treatment efficacy. Future directions for research and practice are explored, along with the challenges faced by practitioners, with a focus on how crucial it is for the discipline to continue advancing in order to enhance patient outcomes. This study aims to improve understanding and implementation of musculoskeletal physiotherapy by offering physicians, researchers, and students insightful information through thorough analysis and case studies.

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