ISSN : 2663-2187

Natural Crisis in Post-modern Era: A Scientific Study of Select Novels of Hilary Mantel

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Dr. Sanjay Prasad Pandey, Abdul Wahied Wani
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.Si2.2024.2569-2574


Dame Hilary Mantel is one of the pioneer British women writers. She has written her novels on various themes and some of her themes are related with the scientific trends, supernatural powers, scientific mysteries, metaphysical elements, and ghosts. Her novels deal with some sensitive and controversial issues on which scientists do not believe. Due to such themes, many critics have attacked on the use of such themes in her novels, but Hilary Mantel did not pay any attention to such critics and kept deploying the use of ghosts and conversations with the dead people in her novels. This is one of the remarkable qualities of her novels which challenge the scientific explorations on such themes. The present paper is an attempt to examine supernatural powers, scientific mysteries and ghosts. It has been seen that her novels offer a compelling exploration of the supernatural realm amidst the backdrop of natural crisis. Hilary Mantel evokes a sense of the uncanny. She blurs the boundaries between the alive human beings and the dead people, and between the natural and the supernatural powers. Mantel has explored the psychological implications of ghostly encounters that permeate her oeuvre. Through her masterful storytelling and evocative prose, Mantel deals with the real and fictional world. Hilary Mantel's select novels offer a captivating narration of such issues. The ghosts take place in her fictional world. Through a scientific lens, the present paper attempts to underscore the enigmatic manifestations of supernatural forces and their impact on the characters. The cryptic pasts, the labyrinth of secrets, series of enigma, the awkward habits of her female characters, eerie atmospheres, and scientific themes are the main objectives of this paper.

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