ISSN : 2663-2187

Nature's Lessons for AI: Exploring Zoological Insights in Machine Development"

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Prof. Dipeeka Chavan1, Prof. Neha Wankhede2, Prof. Manisha Pagar3, , Prof.Supriyatai T. Ahire4, Prof. Savita Mogare5, Dr. Rachana Dashore
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 2878-2892


This paper explores the fusion of zoological insights with artificial intelligence (AI) development, shedding light on how nature's strategies can revolutionize machine capabilities. By delving into locomotion, sensory perception, communication, collective behaviour, and cognition observed in various animal species, we uncover a trove of bio-inspired methodologies with profound implications for AI. Through case studies and examples, we showcase the effectiveness of integrating zoological insights into AI algorithms and robotic systems, demonstrating enhanced efficiency, adaptability, resilience, and autonomy. Yet, this synthesis presents challenges such as technical constraints, ethical dilemmas, and societal impacts, necessitating careful consideration. We advocate for interdisciplinary collaboration among zoologists, AI researchers, engineers, and policymakers to navigate these challenges and chart future research directions. Our aim is not only to propel technological innovation but also to uphold ethical standards and promote sustainability in AI development.

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