ISSN : 2663-2187

Neurological Rehabilitation: Techniques and Outcomes in Physiotherapy

Main Article Content

Dr. Suraj Kanase, Dr. Pragati Salunkhe, Dr. Ankita Durgawale
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si3.2024.1562-1581


Neurological rehabilitation is a vital component of physiotherapy, aimed at improving function and quality of life for individuals with neurological impairments. This comprehensive review explores various techniques used in neurological rehabilitation, including motor control and learning, neuroplasticity, gait training, balance and coordination, functional electrical stimulation, robotics, virtual reality, and aquatic therapy. The principles of task-oriented training, motor relearning, and patient-centered care are emphasized as fundamental to effective rehabilitation. Evidence-based practice is highlighted, ensuring interventions are grounded in the best available scientific evidence. The review also discusses outcome measures critical for assessing rehabilitation success, such as functional independence, quality of life, and motor function scales. Factors influencing rehabilitation outcomes, including patient-related, therapy-related, and environmental factors, are examined. Current challenges, such as limited access to services and variability in practices, are addressed, alongside future directions like telehealth and personalized interventions. By synthesizing current knowledge and research, this review aims to guide clinicians, researchers, and policymakers in advancing neurological rehabilitation and improving outcomes for patients with neurological conditions.

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