ISSN : 2663-2187

Observation on bionomics, prevalence and survival value of geohelminth in the rural communities of Rivers state

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Goodhead, D.A , Dirisu, C.G and Ayenku, J.E
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.4.1.2022.48-55


A study was conducted to observe on the bionomics, prevalence and survivability of geohelminths in six communities of Rivers State, Nigeria, between February and May 2018. 1,000 soil samples were taken at different locations in the study areas of Rumuewhor, Ubimini, Ulakwo 1, Ulakwo 11, Elibrada and Okomoko. The parasitological technique used in examination of the soil samples, was centrifugal floatation method.

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