ISSN : 2663-2187


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Madhumati S Gayagol, Dr. Asha Bhat, HeikhamGineta Chanu
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.12.2024.3605-3612


Background: Evidently, the government should be paying greater attention to the low rate of complete breastfeeding across the nation. This occurs as a result of the regulation of exclusive breastfeeding by several variables, including age, occupation, socioeconomic status, education, place of residence, and psychological elements. Oketani massage is a special kind of massage for the breasts that was first made popular in several nations by the Japanese woman Sotomi Oketani. Methods and materials: A true experimental research study was conducted toascertain the degree of breast engorgement, evaluate the efficacy of Oketani breast massage in reducing BE and determine whether baseline characteristics and pre-treatment LATCH scores are related. The study included 66 postpartum women who underwent caesarean section admitted in preferred tertiary care hospital of Belagavi, Karnataka.sampleselected through simple random technique. Results: Among the experimental (E) group, 39.39% of mothers belongs to the age group of 23- 26 and 27- 30 years each; 39.39 % of mothers completed educational level of PUC; 51.52% of mothers are home maker; 45.45 % of mothers are Hindu; 39.39% of mothers resides in rural area; 78.79% of mothers had an income of more than Rs.10000; 75.76% of the babies were female and 63.64% of mothers lives in joint family. Among the control (C) group39.39% mothers belongs to the age group of 23–26 years; 36.36% of mothers completed educational level of PUC; 60.61% of mothers are home maker; 42.42% of mothers are Hindu; 39.39% mothers resides in rural area; 84.85 % of mothers had an income of more than Rs. 10000; majority of 57.58% of the babies were female and 57.58% of mothers lives in joint family. In experimental group, 18.2 % had aslight modification, 3% firm – non tender , 60.6% of firm – beginning of tenderness and 18.2% of very firm –very tender at the level of breast engorgement.While in control group, 24.2% of slight change, 15.2% of firm non tender, 21.2% of firm beginning of tenderness , 9.1% of firm tender and 30.3% of vey firm –very tender at the level of breast engorgement. The study revealed a significant difference in the LATCH score level in experimental and control group. Using the visual analogue scale, the study found a significant difference in the breast pain level in experimental group as compared with control group. The study also revealed a significant association between type of family with LATCH scores (0.0410 < 0.05). Whereas age, education, occupation, religion income, residence, and gender of new born are not associated with latch score in experimental group. There is no significant association between any demographic variables with latch score in control group. Conclusion: There is a need to provide adequate information to the postnatal mothers about breast engorgement and its complication. The present study revealed that Oketani breast massage is a worthwhile calm therapy to get relief from engorgement.

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