ISSN : 2663-2187

Online Social Media Addiction on Working Memory

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Angelin Roja A, Suha C, Saptarshee Mazumdar
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.12.2024.4330-4336


Online Social Media Addition among Adolescents is a concern of the emerging generation. With addiction being generalised from just psychoactive drugs and drugs altering the blood-brain barrier, to dependency, obsession and compulsive behaviour which interfere with the everyday activities of life. This study focuses on online addition and Working Memory among individuals aged 16 to 24. A between-group design was used to collect data from 60 participants, with 30 having social media addiction and 30 not having addiction. The General Health Questionnaire, Bergen Social Networking Addiction Scale, and PGI Digit Span Test were used to assess variables such as addiction, Working Memory, and demographic details. The study hypothesized that there would be a difference in working memory between those with and without addiction and between males and females in the addiction group. The results showed that there is No Significant Difference in Working Memory Digit forward and total Digit span score among individuals with and without addiction, inferred from the ‘t test. Therefore, the study concludes that individuals working memory is not affected by OnlineSocial Media Addiction.

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