ISSN : 2663-2187

Overall diet of four species of Marcusenius (M. monteiri, M. stanleyanus, M. sp.'malebo' and M. schilthuisiae) from Pool Malebo, Congo River, Kinshasa

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Ntumba Mabedi Jean Métis*, Mbadu Zebe Victorine, Micha Jean-Claude, Michaux Johan R.
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 4195-4217


The objective of this study was to analyze and compare the diet of four Marcusenius species living in the Malebo Pool. The Intestinal Coefficient of these fish ranges from 0.55 to 0.67. These average values make it possible to classify these species in the trophic group of invertivores (larvae of aquatic insects). The analysis of variance at the 5% threshold reveals that there is not a statistically significant difference between the average intestinal coefficients of 4 species of Marcusenius (Fischer = 2.46963; p = 0.06). stomach contents of M. monteiri, M. stanleyanus, M. schilthuisiae and M. sp.'malebo' confirm an invertivorous diet, with a predominance of benthic insect larvae, followed by crustaceans, periphyton and macrocosm organisms benthic that they find in their habitats.

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