ISSN : 2663-2187

“Pharmacognostical Evaluation and Quantification of Phytoconstituents in Herbs of Asthimajja Pachak Kwath Formulation”

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Ami P. Patel,Satish A. Patel,Umang H.Gajjar
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.7.2024.2557-2580


Introduction: The growth of herbal medicines in the recent era is a significant trend in healthcare and wellness. Ayurveda, being one of the oldest traditional systems of medicine, carries immense value in terms of holistic health and natural remedies. Objectives: The need for standardization in herbal drug formulations is of paramount importance to ensure their safety, efficacy, and consistency. Methods: Study involving standardization and evaluation of a traditional formulation. The goal of this study seems to be to ensure the quality, safety, and effectiveness of the formulation. Standardization formulation was performed by checking its extractive value, physicochemical evaluation, heavy metal analysis, qualitative and quantitative evaluation and phytoconstituents quantification by HPTLC to assess the quality and safety of formulation. Results: The parameters of standardization confirms that all the raw material which was purchased from local market and athleticized by NISCAIR were good quality material as quality of crude drugs directly affects the pharmacological activity of formulation. Preliminary phytochemical evaluation of formulation and ingredients revealed that presence of bioactive phytoconstituents for activity. Conclusion: Standardization of ayurvedic formulation is an essential factor to assess the quality of the drugs which are used for the formulation. Various types of evaluations were carried out on all individual sample and mixture itself like organoleptic, microscopically, physical and chemical evaluation. The parameters of standardization confirms that all the raw material which was purchased from local market and authentified by NISCAIR are good quality material as quality of crude drugs directly affects the pharmacological activity of formulation

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