ISSN : 2663-2187

Pharmacognostical Research Study of Sesamum Indicum and Zingiber Offcinale as Multipurpose Skin Care

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Md. Rageeb Md. Usman, Punam Vasant Patil, Vandana Anil Mali
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si4.2024.391-400


For centuries, the natural oils have found their importance as a fragrance with a curative potential on the body, mind and spirit. These aroma molecules are very potent organic plant chemicals that make the surroundings free from disease, bacteria, virus and fungus Their versatile character of antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory nature along with immune booster body with hormonal, glandular, emotional, circulatory, calming effect, memory and alertness enhancer, is well documented by many scientists Many pilot projects and studies have been conducted on humans to decipher their nature and role with disease and disorder These oils are known for their energy specific character, as their potency is not lost with time and age. The stimulation properties of these oils lay in their structure which is closely in resemblance with actual hormones the penetration potential of these oils to reach the subcutaneous tissues is one of the important characters of this therapy. Their effects are also complex and subtle due to their complex structure and chemical properties. The mechanism of their action involves integration of natural oils into a biological signal of the receptor cells in the nose when inhaled. The signal is transmitted to limbic and hypothalamus parts of the brain via olfactory bulb. These signals cause brain to release neuron messengers like serotonin, endorphin etc., to link our nervous and other body systems assuring a desired change and to provide a feeling of relief. Serotonin, endorphin and noradrenalin are released from calming oil, euphoric, and stimulating oil respectively to give expected effect on mind and body.

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