ISSN : 2663-2187

Phytochemical Analysis of Strychnine content of Processed Nux-vomica seeds in different media.

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S. Chalakh, Anita Wanjari , Meenakshi Urkude
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.Si2.2024.3069-3075


Background: Strychnos Nux vomica is a poisonous plant having more therapeutic potential. Before application of this poisonous herb in therapeutics Ayurveda mentioned certain processing, known as Shodhana Sanskar. (Purification) This brings poisonous medicinal plants into the mainstream and holds them more accountable. For Shodhana, Ayurveda uses a wide variety of media. Godugdha, Gomutra, and Ghoghrit are common media used for Shodhana purpose. In the current study strychnine content of Nux Vomica seeds was screened by processing seeds in common media along with special media.

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