ISSN : 2663-2187

Portrayal Of Complementary And Fringe Medicine In Dentistry – A Review

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Dr. K. Kasthuri Priya1*, Dr.Logesh Sidhu2, Dr Kaviashika G3, Dr.Angeline Hephzibah.P4, Dr D. N. Shrienitha5
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 5800-5807


With the increasing concern about the adverse effects of conventional medicines, increased resistance by bacteria to antibiotics, and challenges faced by medical personnel in managing chronic disease, complementary medicine takes a holistic approach to finding natural solutions to assist the immune system in fighting against infection and disease. Complementary medicines were broadly classified into manipulative and body-based therapies, and mind-body interventions like Yoga, Spirituality, and relaxation. Alternative medical systems include Homeopathy, naturopathy, Ayurveda energy therapies, and biologically based approaches. These treatment modalities were beneficial, cost-effective, and safe enough to be used as an alternative healthcare approach in dentistry. By considering the broadened scope and benefits with minimal side effects, it can be inculcated as an integrative technology along with professional dental care treatments. Researchers should be encouraged to explore and validate the hidden values of alternative medicines that can benefit a wide range of people

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