ISSN : 2663-2187

Post-covid syndrome: consequences and psychoemotional status in patients with cardiac pathology

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Shakhlo Kodirova
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 9131-9136


Post-Covid syndrome (PCS) is a consequence of COVID-19. This disorder is still poorly understood and, according to various sources, significantly reduces the standard of living in an average of 17-30% of people. Symptoms of mental disorders appear within a period of several weeks to six months. Post-Covid syndrome occurs regardless of the form of the disease. It does not have a clear clinical picture, since each person has different symptoms. The patient's medical history, the degree of organ damage and treatment methods during the disease are of great importance. Manifestations of psychopathological disorders after coronavirus were observed 2 times more often than after influenza or ARVI.

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