ISSN : 2663-2187

Potentiality of Biol for the agroecological management of Stevia cultivation: a review

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Carlos Jácome Pilco Iván Marcelo del Pozo Camacho Danny Jorge Oyato Chacha
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.Si2.2024.1740-1771


The topic explores the relevance and efficacy of Biol, a liquid biofertilizer obtained from the anaerobic fermentation of manure and organic waste, in the sustainable cultivation of Stevia rebaudiana. This plant, known for its sweetness and low caloric intake, is a popular alternative to traditional sugars, especially valued by people with diabetes and those seeking healthier options. Biol represents an organic and ecological approach to stevia farming, aligned with the principles of agroecology. It provides nutrients and beneficial microorganisms that improve soil fertility and its ability to retain water and nutrients, boosting agronomic efficiency and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. This method not only contributes to more environmentally friendly agricultural practices, but also improves the resistance of Stevia plants to diseases and pests and increases yield and leaf quality. The use of Biol in Stevia cultivation not only responds to the demand for natural and sustainable products in an environmentally conscious global market, but also promotes climate-smart agricultural management and contributes to food security. This approach underlines the importance of organic and ecological farming methods in the efficient production of high-value crops such as Stevia, highlighting Biol as a significant example of sustainable agricultural innovation. Therefore, a literature review is proposed for this study to gather information on the potential of Biol for agroecological management of Stevia cultivation.

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