ISSN : 2663-2187

Prevalence Of Core Muscle Weakness In 18-25 Years College Going Students–A Cross-Sectional Study

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Dr.K.Kadiervel, Dr.K.S.I. Muralisankar, Dr.G. Mohanraj, Dr.A. Sam Thamburaj
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.6.2024.5764-5783


The core is referred as a muscular box that works as a unit to stabilize the body and the spine. Where the core muscle involves the muscles of hip and trunk and it helps to maintain the stability of the pelvis and spine. When the core muscles function normally, they can maintain the segmental stability, protect the spine and reduce the stress impacting on the intervertebral disc and the lumbar vertebrae. Core stability is very important for stabilization and mobilization and also helps for upper and lower extremity function and it provides the balance and local strength to reduce the back injuries. Core muscle weakness is due to prolonged adaptation and faulty posture and lack of physical activity may lead to excessive load on the lumbar spine and back, poor endurance of muscles, instability of lower extremity and muscular imbalance. METHODS: A Cross sectional study was conducted among 18-25 years college students. A total of 220 students, selected through convenience sampling. Data was collected from the school of Physiotherapy. After taking the consent and explanation about the purpose of the study necessary demographic details including name, age, height, weight, were obtained. Core muscle was assessed by using a Biering Sorensen test, prone plank test and side bridge endurance test. RESULTS: The Core muscle weakness were analyzed using Biering Sorensen test with the weakness of 8.1%, Prone plank test with the weakness of 35.4 % and side bridge endurance test with the weakness of right side (76.3%) and left side (78.1%). CONCLUSION: There is a marked weakness on the lateral part > the posterior part > the anterior part and prevalence of core muscle weakness was found to be more in female students compared to male students.

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