ISSN : 2663-2187


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Iskandarova Shakhnoza, Khasanova Mamura, Usmanov Islam, Rasulova Nilufar, Mukhamedova Nigora, Azamatova Fazilat
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.10.2024.4631-4645


The purpose of this work was to assess the conditions of drinking water use, calculate the necessary funding to provide the population of the Republic of Karakalpakstan with high-quality drinking water in the conditions of climate change. In Karakalpakstan, 51.2% of the population is provided with centralized water supply, 27.9% of the population is provided with non-centralized water supply, 18% of the rural population uses surface polluted water bodies for drinking needs. Over the retrospective period there has been a deterioration dynamics in the chemical and microbiological indicators of drinking water quality.The proportion of drinking water samples that do not meet hygienic requirements is 24.8-43.4% for chemical indicators and 3.6-7.2% for microbiological indicators.The highest rates of mineralization of tap and well water are observed in Khodzheli, Muynak, Kungrad and Takhtakupyr districts, where their values are 2.5-3.5 times higher than the normative levels.The proportion of water samples from surface water bodies that do not meet hygienic requirements for Karakalpakstan is 65.5%. The mineralization of water reaches 1600-2800 mg/l, the total hardness of water is 8-19 mg-eq/l, the concentrations of ammonium nitrogen, nitrites and nitrates exceed the established MPC by 5-8 times.The conducted studies showed that for the base period, the amount of financial costs for improving the conditions of drinking water use of the population and protecting drinking water bodies will amount to 3497.2 billion soums and for the adaptation period - 6219.8 billion soums

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