ISSN : 2663-2187

Processing and evaluation of sensory and proximal quality in canned pork stew Sus scrofa domestica in adobo sauce

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Héctor Rodríguez-Papuico; Raúl Porturas Olaechea; Fredy Crispín-Sánchez ; Fabiola
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.10.2024.322-342


The objective of this study was to elaborate and determine the sensory and proximal quality of canned Sus scrofa domestica pork cuts in stew sauce, in order to obtain a palatable and nutritious product. The product was made based on Sus scrofa domestica pork, Solanum tuberosum potato, Phaseolus vulgaris canary bean, as main inputs and other inputs for culinary use in Peru. Each container contained 460 g has 120 g rice, 100 g of potatoes, 80 g of meat, 20 g of carrots, 20 g of peas, 2 units of pepper, 1 clove of garlic and 2 g of salt. The minimum lethality value (F0) of 6.11 minutes, thus achieving commercial sterility for 48 min at 117 °C. The microbiological analysis indicated the absence of mesophilic and thermophilic microorganisms, therefore, this preserve was called commercially sterile and suitable for human consumption. The study evaluated 3 government liquid formulations, which were subjected to a sensory evaluation carried out with 20 semi-trained panelists whose result was sample 041 (F3) for better aroma and flavor, sample 0.31 (F2) for texture and juiciness. sample 021 (F1). The proximal chemical composition processed for the pork pieces was 17.78±0.02 protein, 19.32±0.35 fat, 61.11±0.29 moisture, and 0.93±0.04 ash. For the bean it was 6.18±0.53 of proteins, 0.85±0.04 of fat, 75.47±0.046 of humidity and 1.26±0.05 of ashes and the processed potato 4.07±0.06 of proteins, 0.26±0.01 of fat, 73.82±0.08 of humidity and 2.91 ±0.04 ash

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