ISSN : 2663-2187


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Ritika Gupta1, Thaneshwari1*, Ab Waheed Wani1, Vidya Sree B1, Sanjeev Kumar1,RashikaSarje Ashok1,Smriti Pathania1, Sarath Jayakumar1
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 3375-3393


Ornamental foliage plants have witnessed immense popularity in recent years because of their captivating array of colours, textures, and shapes that make them stand out in garden landscapes, indoor spaces, and commercial settings. This review offers a thorough summary of the history, origin, objectives, constraints and methods of breeding of ornamental foliage plants, with a particular emphasis on important elements such as breeding techniques, and future prospects.A wide range of characteristics, such as foliage colour, shape, size, pest and disease resistance, and glowing foliage are sought after in breeding.The breeding of ornamental foliage plants is a constantly evolving and diverse area that combines conventional breeding methods with the latest biotechnological progress. Various breeding methods, including introduction, selection, mutation breeding,hybridization, tissue culture, and genetic engineering, are employed to enhance genetic variability and introduce novel traits. However, there are certain constraints in ornamental foliage plant breeding including natural flowering, protandry, protogyny, low seed quality, and fruit maturity. This can be solved by collaboration between breeders, researchers, growers, and regulatory authorities leading to sustainable and responsible breeding practices.The future of breeding of ornamental foliage plants looks bright, because of the ongoing research into different methods of breeding of ornamental foliage plants. By integrating recent breeding technologies with traditional breeding methods, there is a promise of accelerating trait discovery, improving breeding efficiency, and developing robust and visually attractive varieties suitable for various landscapes and climates.This review aims to provide valuable insights into the current state and future directions of breeding ornamental foliage plants, offering a foundation for further research and development in this vital field.

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