ISSN : 2663-2187

Reducing Pain in the 1st Stage of Labor with the Rebozo Technique in Primigravida Mothers in North Tapanuli District

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Ganda Agustina Simbolon, Urhuhe Dena Siburian
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.6.2024.7533-7543


Objectives: The experience of pain during childbirth is a common occurrence, particularly among primigravida mothers. Pain intensifies when accompanied by emotions such as dread, discomfort, and concern, which transforms pain into a state of suffering. The Rebozo technique is a nonpharmacological approach used for pain management during childbirth. The use of Rebozo swing reportedly induces a state of relaxation in expectant mothers, promoting a more tranquil labor experience and potentially reducing the perception of pain. This study aimed to identify maternal characteristics, assess the intensity of first stage labor pain before and after the use of Rebozo technique, and analyze the effectiveness of Rebozo technique in reducing pain intensity during first-stage labor Methods: This study was a "Quasy Experiment Pre- Post Test with Control Group,” including a total of 28 participants. Consecutive sampling technique was used to assign the participants to either control (n=14) or intervention (n=14) group. The research was conducted at six health centers in the North Tapanuli Regency. Results: Mann-Whitney test showed that the mean rank of the intervention group (8.25) was lesser than the control group (20.75). Moreover, the Mann-Whitney µ was 10.5 with a value of α = 0.000, indicating that the Rebozo technique was very effective in reducing the intensity of labor pain during the first stage of labor Conclusion: Rebozo technique can be used as a non-pharmacological alternative to reduce pain during first-stage labor.

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