ISSN : 2663-2187

Review of modern techniques for iron determination (detection) in raw materials for the food industry

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Carlos Jácome Pilco , Joselyn Carolina Armijo Hidalgo 2, Mildred Guissella Manobanda Caluña
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.8.2024.2477-2504


The topic "Review of modern techniques for determining Iron in raw materials for the food industry" focuses on the importance of iron in the food industry, highlighting its essential role in human nutrition and the quality of food products. The accurate determination of iron in raw materials is crucial for compliance with health and safety standards, being especially relevant in the development of fortified foods in regions with significant iron deficiency. The impact of iron on food quality, including color, flavor, and texture, is emphasized. An iron imbalance can lead to problems such as discoloration or alteration of flavor, so maintaining a proper balance is vital to meeting expectations for quality and nutritional value. Modern iron detection techniques, such as atomic absorption spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), have advanced significantly, allowing for more accurate and sensitive detection of iron in various raw materials. These technologies not only provide accurate data on iron levels, but also help identify its specific forms, which are important for understanding its bioavailability and reactivity in food products. The methodology of this bibliographic review will include the consultation of updated sources such as specialized texts, scientific articles and virtual libraries. The case of cashew cultivation in Ecuador will be highlighted, highlighting its agronomic importance and the role of iron in its nutritional quality. The possible findings underscore the need to diversify incomes for farmers and adopt innovative technologies gradually.

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