ISSN : 2663-2187

Role Of SHG’s Under ODOP Yojana Of U.P Government & their impact on Women Empowerment & Participation in Decision-Making

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Latika Poswal , (Dr.) Anil Mehta , (Dr.) Rekha Sharma , Anokhi Rathi
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.Si2.2024.1162-1169


The main objective of the research study is to analyze the role of SHG’s under ODOP Yojana and its impact on women empowerment. Empowerment indicates increased participation in decision making and it is a process through which women feel themselves to be capable of effective decision making and the right to do so, that’s why women participation in decision making in family matters is an important indicator for measuring their empowerment. The study found that women not act merely as a medium through which credit channelizes , but also it helps in improvement of family conditions. Majority of the respondents in this research study are married women and belong to the age of 18 to 45 years. In this paper the area of study was four blocks covered under the Meerut and Ghaziabad District and the respondents were women candidates who were the members of registered SHG’s under ODOP Yojana of U.P government. In this study we used simple random and cluster sampling methods. The study also revealed that SHG’s and ODOP yojana of U.P Government play a vital role in development of rural women and her empowerment. The findings of the study disclosed that lack of education of women, poor infrastructure and lack of training and awareness of government schemes and policies are the major factors preventing women to join SHG’s under ODOP Yojana for further growth. The result of the study concluded that after joining SHGs under the ODOP Yojana of UP Government the decision making of women candidates have been improved and they are becoming more empowered and financially independent as compared to before joining the group.

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