ISSN : 2663-2187

Screening of bacteria from vegetable waste for evaluation of pectinase activity and its application in juice clarification

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Sumitha Elayaperumal1, Yuvaraj Sivamani2, P S. Kavya3 S, Jagadeep Chandra3
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 8196-8208


The aim of the current study was to identify pectinase-producing bacteria from vegetable wastes and use them to clarify juices. Vegetable waste was gathered from several locations. Using standard isolation techniques, 20 colonies with different morphologies were isolated from vegetable waste. After that, it was spotted on pectin media to expose it to pectinolytic activity. Ten of these cultures responded significantly to the pectinolytic activity. When compared to other cultures, K2, K4, and K10 cultures exhibited higher pectinase activity. The ideal temperature and pH for all three isolates were discovered to be 60°C, 6 and 7, respectively. Juice clarity was assessed using pectinase from the three isolates that were chosen by treating the carrot, beetroot, and cucumber with cell free supernatant of pectinolytic cultures before juice extraction. Comparatively pectinase from K4 culture treated carrot, showed maximum juice extract which was 1.94 folds higher than control. Similarly, beetroot & cucumber treated with pectinase from K2 culture gave maximum juice which was 1.22 & 1.3 folds higher than control. Accordingly, pectinase from K4 culture significantly hydrolyzed the treated juices & produced highest yield at 51.5, 55 & 65.5% with carrot, beetroot & cucumber respectively. The results demonstrated that effectiveness of the pectinase enzymes in reducing cloudiness and improving the clarity and stability of vegetable juices. In summary the evaluation of pectinase from bacteria isolated from vegetable waste for juice clarification shows promising potential for application in the juice industry and highlights the potential of using microbial enzymes as a sustainable and efficient alternative for juice processing.

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