ISSN : 2663-2187

Snake Venom: A deadly toxin with Therapeutic potential and immunization

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Gourab Biswas, Anamika Saha, Sujayita Mazumder, Arijit Seal, Anwesha Naskar
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.5.2024.7844-7857


Venom is a biochemical mixture of proteins that have both positive and negative aspects. Snake venom is used in the production of a number of pharmaceutical formulations. It plays a vital role in medical field including a large number of drug formulation and also production of genetically engineered venom provide an effective result in a shorter period of time. Once snake bites a person, the person may die immediately due to blockage of nervous system or may take some time to envenom including renal dysfunction, neural blockage, toxicity and hemorrhagic diathesis. On the other hand, venom is considered as a blessing that treat many diseases like blood sugar control, cancer therapy and used in preparation of therapeutics for smallpox or wound healing. Venom is available in various forms at different price depending on the type of venom to be taken and availability of rare to rarer reptile to produce the venom. In fact, however in most of the cases, the venoms of fatal snakes are found to be clinically and diagnostically potential and active.

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