ISSN : 2663-2187

Stabilization of a Non-Linear Physiological Control System with Additional Actuating Signal

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Bipa Datta, Arnab Das , Achintya Das, And Kabita Purkait
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.11.2024. 228-235


In my work, the problem of the desired performance of the control system with nonlinearity is considered. The plan of my paper work proposes to include an Additional Actuating Signal (AAS), besides the standard Actuating signal, to stabilize and control the system for compensating the system to accomplish the standard results. This method may be useful in physiological control system and process control system, where the system input parameters cannot be controlled at all or partially only. The results offer vital information for the design of potential superior control systems and stress the flexibility and effectiveness of AAS as a tool for isolating the system from the influence of nonlinearities and changing system dynamics.

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