ISSN : 2663-2187

Stem Cell Technology: Advances in Regenerative Medicine

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Dr. B. Harinathan, Ms. Priyadarshani A. Patil, Dr. Kiran A. Bobde
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si2.2024.4088-4104


As a key component of regenerative medicine, stem cell technology presents hitherto unseen possibilities for tissue engineering, illness modelling, and therapeutic interventions. This thorough analysis explores the several kinds of stem cells, emphasising their distinct qualities and uses, including adult, induced pluripotent, mesenchymal, and embryonic stem cells. This article examines cutting-edge methods of isolating, collecting, and differentiating stem cells as well as novel advancements like 3D bioprinting and CRISPR gene editing. Despite the enormous therapeutic potential of stem cells, there are many ethical and technological obstacles in the sector. These difficulties are also included in this review, along with the legal structures that control stem cell research. Future developments, in our opinion, will improve stem cell therapies' efficacy and safety even more, changing the field of regenerative medicine in the process.

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