ISSN : 2663-2187

Study of Challenges in Retention of Academicians Specifically in Universities: Finding Does Personality Plays Role

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Dr. Sharad Visht
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.9.2024.1228-1239


The goal of this investigation was to ascertain the role that personalities play in influencing turnover intentions. In order to evaluate the primary effects of different personality traits on faculties at private universities, a non-probabilistic sampling method was utilized in the study. Both PCA and varimax rotation were used to evaluate the construct validity, while Cronbach's alpha was used to evaluate the scale's internal regularity. Regression and correlation analysis was used to determine the causal connection among the factor of personality and intention to turnover. The results showed, both extraversion and agreeableness have a considerable detrimental effect on turnover intent. The study recommends that management put into place the proper human resources policies and practices that encourage positive personality qualities and, as a result, boost faculty continuity in Indian educational institutions by reducing turnover intentions. Using “Goldberg's Personality Big-Five Factors”, five personality antecedents were found (Goldberg, 1981). A 13-item measure was developed using the Turnout Intention Measure and Ten-Item Personality Inventory. An online survey was created to gather information from a sample of 1000 faculties across India out of which 352 complete responses were selected for further analysis process.According to the study management should implement right policies and procedures HR to promote positive personality traits and high retention of academicians

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