ISSN : 2663-2187

Study on the Signs of Long Life of a Child as Said in Charaka Samhita

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Dilip Kr. Goswami
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.7.2024.3303-3308


Birth of a child is a gift to a family. A child brings happiness and hope for future. As a tradition, after childbirth, the parents and family observe some days as festival and ritual. Some types of rituals are observed and designated personalities are treated with offerings and gifts. Acharya Charaka, the father of Indian Medicine, in his famous book “Charaka Samhita” covers a wide range of human life starting from childbirth, growth, attainment of maturity, duties as a good citizen etc. In short, as Charaka says prevention and cure of disease are the basic aims of Charaka Samhita. Commonly Astrology is considered to be the related subject to deal with the longevity, progress, hardness in life, health, personality etc. of an individual. But, interestingly Charaka nicely discussed the signs of long life (Dirghayulakshanani) with special attention in one sloka of Sharirasthana (the section of the book containing description of different body parts) which are very interesting and reflect the depth of the knowledge of the scholar on anatomical character of each and every organ of the body. Throwing light on the description on the topic is considered important as it can open a potent area for future study with special reference to the health status of a child and may add some new facts in the Ayurvedic paediatrics (Kaumarabhritya – Balaroga).

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