ISSN : 2663-2187

Sustainable and ESG Investing in India

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Dr.Ramesh Kumaar.V.P, Dr. P.Praba Devi , Mr. Vinothkumar.D, Ms. Kiruthika sri.R, Mr. Dhathaathreyan.B
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.9.2024.4485-4493


At the intersection of digitization and sustainability, the current theme explores the operation of environmental, social, and commercial governance (ESG) in India. The expanding adverse effects of climatic conditions and their unsteady nature have forced the world to adjust to these changes and help their outcome by riveting on the global impact. There's a growth in the mindfulness regarding the significance of environmental and sustainable investments. This study intents to understand the ESG investing involves assessing companies predicated on these three factors to guide investment resolutions. Business that exhibit a dedication to social justice, sustainability, diversity, and responsible governance are sought after by investors. By investing in ESG- concentrated companies, individualities aim to induce positive social and environmental impact alongside fiscal returns.

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