ISSN : 2663-2187

Taurine: A Vital Nutrient in the Diet of Freshwater Fish Species

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Nikhila Peter, Chiranjiv Pradhan, Namitha Dileep
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.12.2024.174-187


The incorporation of taurine as a dietary supplement in fish nutrition yields a plethora of advantageous outcomes such as elevated survival rates, enhanced growth, optimized feed utilization, increased retention of proteins and energy, improved intermediary metabolic processes, enhanced antioxidant defence mechanism , reduced stress levels, enhanced disease resistance, superior muscle texture, and elevated reproducti on . However, certain fish species have also shown adverse effects from dietary taurine supplementation. Numerous publications on this topic have emerged over the past years , yieldi ng varying results particularly in freshwater fish species . It has been discovered that freshwater fish exhibit a greater capacity for endogenous taurine synthesis compared to marine fishes. However, the inclusion of taurine may be essential when utilizing plant based ingredients in freshwater fish species. In light of these circumstances, it is paramount that a comprehensive review and critical analysis of the importance of taurine in aquaculture, particularly in nutrition, has to be conducted. Through an examination and discussion of existing studies on taurine in freshwater fish species , as well as taurine’s utilization in aquaculture and aquafeeds, this review aims to enhance our understanding of taurine and its significance in the aquaculture field .

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