ISSN : 2663-2187


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Dr. Kavitha Muthukumaran, Dr. Vani Haridasan, Dr. K.Usha, R. Aarshia, P.Kaviya
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.6.2024.726-735


The Pradhan Mantri Street Vendor's AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM Svanidhi) scheme in India is a multifaceted initiative aimed at fostering entrepreneurship among street vendors. This paper examines the scheme's comprehensive framework, which encompasses formalization of businesses, access to credit, business expansion incentives, skills enhancement programs, sustainability measures, and job creation opportunities. Through a combination of financial assistance and support services, the PM Svanidhi scheme serves as a catalyst for growth and innovation in the street vending sector. At its core, the PM Svanidhi scheme harnesses the power of technology to streamline processes, enhance accessibility, and foster sustainable business practices among street vendors. By leveraging digital platforms, street vendors can now access vital information, apply for financial assistance, and receive real-time updates on market trends and opportunities. Moreover, technological solutions such as mobile applications and online portals serve as catalysts for greater connectivity, enabling vendors to tap into a broader network of resources and support systems. While the scheme provides a solid foundation, the journey towards entrepreneurship demands vigilance, adaptability, and adept business management skills to navigate challenges such as competition and compliance. The primary objective of the scheme is to provide financial support and facilitate the economic upliftment of street vendors, who are often among the most vulnerable and marginalized sections of the urban population. With a focus on promoting eco-friendly practices, the scheme aims to integrate technology and environmental consciousness to empower street vendors. This paper explores the role of technology in enhancing awareness and utilization of the PM Svanidhi scheme, including mobile applications, online portals, and digital awareness campaigns. Furthermore, it examines the importance of integrating environmental sustainability into business operations, such as adopting eco-friendly packaging and renewable energy solutions.

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