ISSN : 2663-2187

Telehealth in Physiotherapy: Opportunities and Challenges

Main Article Content

Dr. S. Anandh, Dr. Vaishali Jagtap, Dr. T. Poovishnu Devi
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si3.2024.1648-1663


This review explores the impact of telehealth on physiotherapy, emphasizing its potential to enhance accessibility, patient engagement, and resource optimization. Telehealth utilizes digital communication technologies to provide remote physiotherapy services, offering significant advantages for musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiopulmonary, pediatric, and chronic pain management. The review discusses the effectiveness of telehealth, supported by evidence showing comparable outcomes to traditional methods. Key technological tools, including video conferencing, mobile health apps, wearable devices, and specialized telerehabilitation platforms, are examined. Patient and provider perspectives highlight the benefits and challenges of telehealth, such as convenience and technical issues. The review addresses barriers like regulatory considerations and the need for hands-on care while proposing future directions involving AI, VR, and advanced wearables. These innovations promise to further personalize and enhance telehealth services. Understanding the evolving landscape of telehealth in physiotherapy is crucial for improving patient outcomes and expanding global access to quality care. By addressing current challenges and leveraging technological advancements, telehealth can significantly transform physiotherapy practices.

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