ISSN : 2663-2187

The Contours of Data Protection: Study of Indian Jurisdiction in View of Global Perspective

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Alina Ali, Sony Kulshrestha
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si2.2024.5334-5350


In the modern era, with the ubiquity of online services, it has become necessary for individuals to share personal information with websites, which can pose a significant risk to their privacy. This is because it can lead to identity theft and other security breaches. The need to accentuate privacy requirements with a robust system, and to halt the constant misery of an individual to compromise his/her personally identifiable and user-sensitive information, was thus immediately felt, especially when Non-Personal Data loosely fits in the definition of ‘data’ and does no good in identifying individuals and pose a complex matter when it comes to the security of Non-Personal Data. Therefore, it is paramount to establish a robust system that efficiently safeguards sensitive data and prevents any unauthorized use. It is essential to note that even non-personal information can still pose a risk to individuals. This research paper is a thorough analysis of India's data protection framework using the doctrinal research methodology. The critical examination will cover relevant technology and data protection laws. A comparison with other jurisdictions to identify potential gaps in the Indian context has also been looked into. Finally, based on the findings of the paper, necessary measures are recommended to address any shortcomings so discovered.

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