ISSN : 2663-2187

The Effect of Leadership Styles and Big-5 Personality on University Students’ CB toward the Environment Mediated by Students’ Motivation

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Imelda Husdiani, Agung Purwanto,I Made Putrawan
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.9.2024.4507-4515


Since 1970, humans have been made aware that environmental damage is caused by human activities themselves. Therefore, a system is needed through an education system that is useful for anticipating increasingly severe damage due to human behavior. Therefore, research is needed that can reveal whether factors such as leadership style, personality, and motivation influence human behavior. This research was conducted using a causal survey method by randomly selecting 205 university students as samples, in Jakarta. There are four instruments developed to measure student behavior (students’ citizenship behavior (CB) toward the environment) with an environmental perspective (reliability was 0.987), leadership style (0.924), big-5 personality (0.934), and student motivation (0.949). Data were analyzed using path analysis. The results showed that the only leadership style factors had a direct and indirect significant effect on the behavior of students with an environmental perspective. Likewise, it was also found that student motivation was an appropriate mediator between leadership style and student behavior due to its indirect effect was found significant. However, the accuracy of students’ big-5 personalities was found not to significantly affect both students’ motivation and students’ CB toward the environment. Therefore, based on those findings, it can be concluded that to shape student behavior with an environmental perspective to be more positive, factors such as student assessments are increasingly positive towards the transformational style of campus leaders in leading students and the strong motivation of students in preserving the environment, cannot be ignored in formulating and developing green campus policies. From this case, the role of the accuracy of the personality of the students, could not be considered.

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