ISSN : 2663-2187

The effect of SAQ training and plyometric training on Breath Holding time among volleyball Players

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» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.5.4.2024.141-146


The subjects for this study were selected from Pachaiyappa’s College for women Kancheepuram District, Tamilnadu, examined in the effect of SAQ training and plyometric training on Breath Holding time among volleyball Players. The investigator met the players of the institute and explained to them about the purpose and the nature of the study. Around sixty women players gave their voluntary consent to work as subjects for the study. Out of those volunteers five of them who were the age of 18-22 years were included for the study. The remaining sixty subjects (N=60) were divided random by using the table of randomly, they were divided randomly in to four groups as Group –I acted as, Control Group, Group –II undergone to SAQ Training, Group –III plyometric Training underwent and Group –IV gone into combined Training. the overall players were performed for the period of 8 weeks. Their written voluntary consent was obtained after clearly explaining the nature of the study, the training programme for the respective training groups and variables in which they have been tested. They were also informed that they were free to opt out of the study at any time if they feel any discomfort or any difficulty in continuing the training programme, but there were no dropouts throughout the period of study. pre and post data were collected and analysed with SPSS of ANCOVA and proven that there was a significant improvement on breath holding time due to training.

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