ISSN : 2663-2187

The Human Microbiome: Insights into Health and Disease

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Dr. R.V. Shinde, Dr. S.K. Pawar, Dr. Mrs. Asha M. Patil
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si1.2024.155-166


The human microbiome, a complex community of microorganisms inhabiting various body sites, plays a crucial role in health and disease. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the current knowledge on the human microbiome, highlighting its composition, development, and interactions with the host. The gut microbiome, in particular, is emphasized due to its significant functions in digestion, immune modulation, and production of bioactive compounds. Dysbiosis, or an imbalance in the microbiome, is linked to numerous diseases, including gastrointestinal disorders, metabolic conditions, mental health disorders, and autoimmune diseases. Therapeutic interventions targeting the microbiome, such as probiotics, prebiotics, fecal microbiota transplantation, and dietary modifications, show promise in restoring microbial balance and improving health outcomes. Despite advancements, challenges such as standardization of methodologies, ethical considerations, and establishing causal relationships remain. Future research should focus on overcoming these challenges and harnessing the microbiome's potential for personalized medicine. This review underscores the importance of the microbiome in human health and highlights the need for continued research to unlock its full therapeutic potential.

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