ISSN : 2663-2187

The Impact of Intelligent Leadership on Social Entrepreneurship through Organizational Identification: The Moderating Role of Employee Engagement

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Firas Ayyed Kadhim and Dr. Mir Hassan Seyedameri
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 10980-10998


The aim of the present study is to investigate the impact of intelligent leadership on social entrepreneurship through organizational identification considering the moderating role of employee engagement in sport teachers. The current research method is correlation, which was carried out in the field. The statistical population of the research was sport teachers in Iraq, 373 people were selected as a sample using the stratified sampling method. The intelligent leadership questionnaires of Farahbakhsh and Mohammadi (2014), the social entrepreneurship of Dwivedi and Weerawardena (2018), the organizational identification of Dai et al. (2022), and the employee engagement of Wang et al. (2020) were used. SPSS version 18 and PLS version 3 software were used for data analysis. The results showed that intelligent leadership has a significant relationship with social entrepreneurship and organizational identification. Also, there is a significant relationship between organizational identification and social entrepreneurship. Finally, employee engagement has a moderating role on the relationship between intelligent leadership and social entrepreneurship. The current research showed that intelligent leadership is a key concept for enhancing social entrepreneurship and organizational identification among sport teachers, especially when teachers have a high level of engagement.

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