ISSN : 2663-2187

The Impact of Internet Addiction on Aggression amongst school going students; a cross-sectional study

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Hamza, Japnit Kaur
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 6912-6924


BACKGROUND In today's rapidly evolving digital world, the internet has become an omnipresent force, significantly impacting various aspects of human life. Of particular interest is its influence on the behavior of adolescents attending school, with growing concern surrounding the potential link between internet addiction and aggressive tendencies. However, alongside its benefits, concerns have risen about excessive internet use among adolescents, leading to what is commonly termed as internet addiction. MATERIAL AND METHOD A cross-sectional research was conducted to find the impact of internet addiction on aggression. A sample size of 100 individuals, 50% males and 50% females respectively of age groups ranging from 14 years to 16 years who were willing to participate and gave their consent were included in the research. Individuals with any kind of psychiatric or medical condition were excluded from the research. All the participants were school going students who were in constant touch with internet.

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