ISSN : 2663-2187

The Importance of Predicting Drug-Receptor Interactions in the Field of Computational Drug Design

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Dr. Farah Deeba, Dr. Jyoti Pandey, Himani Hirvey, Chintan P. Somaiya, Darshan J C, Surya Pratap Singh, Dr. Neelam Basera, Dr. Sushil Kumar Shukla, Habibullah Khalilullah, Suraj Mandal
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.10.2024.4489-4503


Drug advancement depends vigorously on the compelling identification of potential interactions among prescriptions and proteins. Finding these relationships is as yet tedious and asset serious, even following quite a while of trial research. Thus, various PC strategies have been created to gauge drug-target correlations for an expansive scope. In this work, we give a profound learning-based way to deal with foresee drug-target interactions dependent just upon protein succession information and drug structures. With exactness paces of up to 92.2% for GPCRs, 90.2% for nuclear receptors, 92.2% for ion channels, and 90.7% for enzymes in our dataset, our discoveries show the viability of our technique. Urgently, on normal benchmark datasets, our model outflanks present status of-the-workmanship computational procedures. Additionally, the findings of our experiments demonstrate the potential of our method to identify tiny yet important characteristics, which makes it a useful tool in the hunt for novel medications.

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