ISSN : 2663-2187

The new larval host plant for Tawny Coster butterfly, Acraea terpiscore (Nymphalidae: Lepidoptera) in Chengalpattu district, Tamil Nadu.

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Ramazeame Loganathan, Vairam Namachivayam, Murugan Nagarajan
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.12.2024.4753-4758


Tawny Coster butterflies, or Acraea terpiscore L., are members of the Nymphalidae, or brush-footed, butterfly family. Tragia involucrate must be available for its typical larval hosts. The study was conducted at SRM College of Agricultural Sciences (SRMCAS), Vendhar Nagar, Baburayanpettai, Chengalpattu district, Tamil Nadu, from January to July 2024. We discovered A. terpiscore larvae in Passiflora foetida, Tragia pulkenetii, and Tragia involucrate. This observation clearly demonstrates that Tawny Coster larvae frequently exhibit host choice when feeding. The availability of Tragia involucrate limits the selection of P. foetida. We counted the caterpillars populations once a week over a six-month observation period. The plants Tragia involucrate, Tragia pulkenetii, and P. foetida, respectively, suggest that they highly prefer these first two host plant species than P. foetida. This is the first report identifying it as a new Tawny Coster larval host.

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