ISSN : 2663-2187

The reality of the use of contrast water therapy recovery techniques and cold water bath after extreme strength training in female elite handball players

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» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.7.2024.3336-3352


The study aims to highlighting and enlightening the use of « contrast water therapy » technique and « cold water bath » after the maximum strength training quotas of handball players of the elite level. And that’s via relying on « immersion process protocol » in water with different degrees, in which it helps in recovering from burden of training loads quotas .To apply this study and reach its goals , the researchers used the « descriptive approach » since it fits the subject’s nature,in which they rely on a questionnaire consists of three (3) parts and twenty one (21) statements distributed on the sample of the required study which is the « coaches of the excellent national section » (15 coach).

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